How Can I Join?

Am I eligible for a MWCCS pre-screening?

  • Are you 30-70 years old?
  • Do you plan to stay in the area for the next 12 months?
  • Are you willing have blood drawn for laboratory testing?
  • Are you willing to consent to have your biospecimens such as blood stored in repository?
  • Are you willing to give the study staff access to your medical records?
  • Are you willing to participate in an annual core visit which involves an interview, blood draw and physical exam, which could take several hours?

Am I eligible for a STAR pre-screening?

  • Are you 18-45 years old?
  • Were you born female?
  • Are you able and willing to give informed consent?
  • Are you able to complete the interview in English or Spanish?
  • Are you willing and able to have blood drawn and stored?
  • If you are pregnant or become pregnant, will you provide consent for abstraction of pregnancy related outcomes, including infant demographic, clinical characteristics?

If you answered yes to all, please contact us to further determine your eligibility with a pre-screening call!

If you answered yes to all, please contact us to further determine your eligibility with a pre-screening call!